I am so blessed to be living near this amazing park: Lai Chi Kok Park of Hong Kong. I can simply grab my camera and go there within walking distance when the weather is fine or the urge of taking photos is strong in my heart. This park is built on a piece of reclaimed land, as time goes by, the trees and plants are so well adapted to their new habitat that one can hardly find any traces of reclamation. You can find many species of indigenous trees, flowers, insects and birds here, at the heart of a very busy city.
I took these photos with my Canon 5D mark II, my go to camera for over 2.5 years. I paired it with my new lens this time: Canon EF135mm f2.0L, which is a very well regarded portrait lens in Canon camp. This lens is actually excellent in shooting all things in open space with fine weather. I can set the iso of the camera to 50, to get very sharp and clean images hand held, wide open at f2.0, the bokeh is simply stunning, smooth and delicious :)!
這次和我同行的是用了兩年多的canon 5D mark II,配canon 135mm f2.0L 定焦鏡。這鏡是出名的人像鏡,配在全片幅機身上很適合在戶外運用。由於光圈有f2.0,在陽光燦爛的日子,全開光圈後可把iso調至50,在確保影像的雜訊可降至最低的同時,手持拍攝也不易糊,散景更是極其柔美,十分適合拍攝花卉、雀鳥等生態主題。
器材:canon 5D mark II + canon 135mm f2.0L
Another post about Lai Chi Kok Park
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