I am honoured and privileged to be one of the Artist commissioned by Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) to provide Artworks for the study of Genesis in 2021.
I have joined BSF for over 10 years, and deeply nurtured by the word of God and the love of BSF members. More of my works and the works of other artists can be find in their Art Gallery.
Isaac’s family story, about how Isaac wanted to give Esau the blessings of the firstborn out of favouritism despite the fact that he knew of God’s prophecy regarding His choice of Jacob, not Esau. Rebekah, on the other hand, plotted with her son Jacob to deceive Isaac for the blessings, is also filled with deception, scheming and brokenness, yet this dysfunctional family is at the center of God’s plan to save the world. Even people intend for evil, or with a deceptive mind, God can use for good. God chooses and uses flawed people in His perfect plan.
These are the works of my students, they are a group of Secondary School students, very talented teenagers who love to create. They have unique taste and style, and they are really inspiring. I enjoyed the interactive process of teaching and learning with them so much.