I am making everything New

New Year Greetings 2017

Revelation 21:5

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

May we rest our hope in Jesus, trusting that He will make everything new in His time!

Happy New Year 2017!

Photography + Hand lettering + Design > by Agnes Leung.

Photo taken with an iPhone + olloclip macro lens, Edited with Procreate.

Macro fun with an olloclip on an iPhone

Interested in macro photography yet do not want to invest a lot on a macro lens? Or do not want to burden yourself with the weight of a macro lens? Starting from using an attachable tiny lens to your cell phone can be a pretty good start! Once you have entered the world of macro photography, you will be amazed of how much fun macro photography can be and you will be surprised by how dramatically your way of seeing things will change!

Taken with an iPhone 4s + Olloclip macro lens



拍攝資料:iPhone 4s + olloclip 微距鏡頭

The little tongues of fire

Tongues of fire
Tongues of fire 2

The happiness I felt when I discovered this colorful world within this tiny Lantern flower (just the size of half a palm), is simply beyond description!

Taken with an iPhone + Olloclip macro lens, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
